Kategorija: Vizitas į įmonę
Data: 2024-10-02 09:00 - 12:00
Vieta: SEB Global Services Vilnius office, NOVA, 1st floor, Jūratė & Kastytis room, V. Gerulaičio st. 10
Jeigu turite klausimų: Simona Daugintienė el. paštas -> simona@pvpa.lt
Kaina PVPA nariams: nemokamai

SEB Lithuania are excited to invite you to the third HR in Action event that will take place on October 2nd, 2024.

Event will be held in English language.

In the context of the ever-evolving role HR plays in every organization, this year the event will focus on Strategic Vision in HR.

  • A dialogue between Alexander Horvath (Head of Compensation & Benefits, SEB Group) and Sonata Gutauskaitė-Bubnelienė (CEO, SEB Lithuania) will explore what it takes to transform HR from an administrative to a strategic partner.
  • Toufic Khoriaty (Learning & Development Specialist, SEB Global Services Vilnius) will share his insights on the importance of learning about Data Management.
  • Dita Vanaga (HR Team Manager, SEB Global Services Riga) will take us through the journey of Agile Strategy in SEB HR.
  • Kristina Markūnaitė (Learning and Development Partner, SEB Global Services Vilnius) will discuss SEB’s People Strategy and Transformative Leadership.
  • A panel discussion moderated by Tadas Niaura (Learning & Development Specialist, SEB Global Services Vilnius) with guests from Telia, Moody’s & Vinted will focus on Employers’ Social Responsibility.
!!! Guests will also have the opportunity to tour SEB Global Services Vilnius premises before the event (08:20-08:50). Separate registration is required – please email HRinAction@seb.se to register.

NOTE. Registration for the event will be announced in early September. Places will be limited, so the organisers reserve the right to accept up to two participants per organisation.