2022.12.08 Vebinaras „How to attract and hire top talent in winning teams“

Data: 2022 m. gruodžio 8 d. 11:00 -12:00 val.
Vieta: renginys bus rodomas tiesiogiai internetu (MS Teams), užsiregistravusiems bus atsiųsta prisijungimo nuoroda.

Renginys vyks anglų kalba, tad ir aprašymas skelbiamas šia kalba.


Passionate employees who are committed to the company mission and work bring the highest results. To attract top talent, hiring managers and companies should invest time into understanding candidate values and aspirations beyond the role. Kristian Kalle will touch key points on personality based hiring and where to start when building a dream team for a company.

Kristian Kalle is a Co-founder and CEO of VideoCV. Several years in the recruitment market and having deep insights about building teams, Kristian has an understanding on how we can build strong teams and how to onboard people who truly want to be part of the company.

We will be accompanied by Justina Jasinskė, Talent Acquisition Coordinator at Telia Lithuania.

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