2014.04.10-11 Metinė personalo valdymo konferencija „ Organisations that value employees“ (Tartu, Estija)

Kaštų mažinimas ir procesų, veiklos efektyvumo didinimas – tai tik kelios strategijos, svarbios įveikiant nuosmukį. Koks čia yra darbuotojų vaidmuo?

2014 m. balandžio 10-11 d. Estijoje, Tartu mieste kolegos iš giminiškos PARE asociacijos organizuoja konferenciją „ORGANISATIONS THAT VALUE EMPLOYEES“ („Organizacijos, kurios vertina darbuotojus“). Konferencijos metu pagrindinis dėmesys bus skiriamas darbuotojams, kurie padeda organizacijoms pasiekti savo tikslus.

Data: 2014 balandžio 10-11 d.

Vieta: Dorpat Conference Centre, Tartu

Konferencijos programa >>


Dalyvio mokestis:

PVPA nariams taikoma PARE narių kaina.

Registruojantis iki vasario 28 d. – 395 eurai + 20% PVM;

registruojantis nuo kovo 1 d. – 595 eurai +20% PVM.

Šventinė vakarienė 2014.04.10 Tartu senamiestyje Feel Good music café – 37 eurai + 20% PVM.

Organizatoriai gali užsakyti viešbučio kambarius tame pačiame viešbutyje, kur vyks konferencija:

  • Vienviečio kambario kaina – 90 eurų (PVM įskaičiuotas)
  • dviviečio kambario kaina – 70 eurų (PVM įskaičiuotas)

Organizatoriai gali suorganizuoti pervežimą iš Talino į Tartu ir atgal, dėl to reikia susitarti atskirai (pažymėti reigistruojantis).

Registracija čia>>>>


10 – 11 April 2014

Dorpat Conference Centre, Tartu

Cost-cutting and improving the efficiency of processes, performance to name but a few strategies are important in overcoming a recession.
What is the role of employees in all this?  Every organisation employs younger, older, part-time, project-based and special-needs employees.
Our conference, which is being held for the 22nd time, will focus on the people who help organisations achieve their results.

Ardo Hansson will speak about topical economic issues. Alf Rehn, a very charismatic speaker and an esteemed management professor with
a Thinkers50 ranking, who also spoke at last year’s Nordic Business Forum, will discuss the benefits of diversity in an organisation. How gender,
age, ethnic and other internal factors can influence a company’s performance.

Internationally renowned inclusion, management and communications expert Stephen Frost will speak about his experience, which has taught
him that diversity is reality and that the inclusion of different people cannot be avoided. Organisational culture and management research expert
Egbert Schram will discuss the optimal time for the diversification of an organisation and how to measure an organisation’s readiness to deal with diversification.

Well-known Estonians taking to the stage will include Tiina Lokk, who will share her valuable experience in managing creativity – the Black Nights Film Festival team;
Aavo Kokk, who will draw the attention of the audience to possible threats in people management; and Mart Noorma, initiator of the student satellite programme,
who will be encouraging everyone to dream in larger dimensions.

In the traditional workshops, we will share practical experience about training systems (Statoil), internal communication (Teeme ära/Let’s Do It World) and
remuneration (TNS Emor). Meanwhile, in the panel discussion of managers we will be discussing different ways of valuing employees.

You will find the full conference programme in attached document.

The conference will be held on 10 – 11 April 2014 at the Conference Centre of the Dorpat Hotel in Tartu.

Visit us with your manager in Tartu!

On behalf of the organisers
Karin Kivari
Management Board Member, PARE


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