About us

We are

What is PVPA?

PVPA – Association of Personnel Management Professionals – the largest community of HR managers and professionals in Lithuania.

Established in 2006, today PVPA unites more than 250 companies operating in Lithuania from services, finance, consulting, telecommunications, IT, trade, energy, aviation, manufacturing and other sectors, with a growing number of public sector organisations joining. The association’s activities involve not only HR managers and specialists, but also managers from various fields and professionals who want to grow.

Curiosity, openness, a desire to improve, goodwill, sharing of knowledge and experience are the qualities that unite the PVPA community. If this is also close to your heart, join us!




Why become a member?


  • Find like-minded people by joining free specialised clubs.
  • Join a mentoring programme for free (as a mentor or mentee).
  • Get help from other PVPA members on issues relevant to your company or sector.

Growth and development

  • Attend PVPA events (forums, company visits, seminars on labour law and other relevant topics, etc.) for free – live or remotely.
  • Attend the PVPA Annual Conference for free.
  • Participate in or initiate specialised clubs free of charge, according to your needs.
  • View recordings of PVPA events for free and share them with others in your company.
  • Take part in a mentoring programme for free.
  • Receive significant discounts on the HRM Standard training programmes.
  • Take advantage of exclusive partner offers for PVPA members (discounts or free participation in events, etc.).
  • Participate in PVPA’s researches in the field of HRM and benefit from the results.

Enhancing your organisation and personal image

  • Take part in the PVPA’s HRM Best Practices Competition.
  • Showcase your organisation and projects to the HR professional community and, if the opportunity arises, to the media.
  • Initiate or mentor voluntary projects.

Solve topical issues

  • Consult a lawyer on employment law topics in the „Ask a Lawyer” section.
  • Post free job advertisements related to your HR function on the PVPA website and FB account.
  • Initiate the resolution of issues relevant to you, your company or your sector with the help of PVPA and its members.
  • Join the closed Facebook group of PVPA members „Personalo valdymo know-how”, ask questions and get relevant information for members.


Membership fees

PVPA membership form


Mebership fee for 1 calendar year (till 31.12)

Membership fee for half a year (from 01.07 till 31.12)


An individual member is defined as a person who, at the time of joining the association, does not have an employment relationship with the organisation. Membership shall be approved by the Board of the Association.

230 €

115 €

Legal entity (Jur_mini)

For companies with up to 10 employees, 1 employee can attend the event at a time.

450 €

225 €

Legal entity (Jur_1)

For companies with between 11 and 1,000 employees, a maximum of 2 employees* may attend the event at the same time.

700 €

350 €

Legal entity (Jur_2)

For companies with more than 1,000 employees, a maximum of 4 employees* can attend the event at the same time.

1 100 €

550 €

Legal entity (Jur_3)  

Any company where up to 6 employees can attend the event at the same time*.

1 400 €

700 €

Legal entity (Jur_4) 

Any company where up to 8 employees can attend the event at the same time*.

1 700 €

850 €


A student is defined as a person studying full-time at an institution of higher education who, at the time of joining the association, does not have an employment relationship with the organisation.

120 €

60 €


Become a member

We invite you to become a member of the Association of Personnel Management Professionals (PVPA) or renew your  membership. PVPA aims to be a progressive, professional organisation and to enable active involvement and development of its members in the field of personnel management.

Rimantas Bagdonas


Head of Human Resources, Telia

E: ramunas.bagdonas@telia.lt


T: +370 687 44745
E: ausra@pvpa.lt


Let's get acquainted